About The Film

There Is Still Tomorrow


Genre: Comedy, Drama
Year: 2023
RunTime: 119 min
Director: Paola Cortellesi
Cast: Paola Paola Cortellesi - Valerio Mastandrea - Romana Maggiora Vergano


Delia wakes up every morning with a slap from her husband Ivano. She rises up, prepares breakfast for their three sons, empties her bedridden father-in-law's urinal, and then leaves the house to confront, relentlessly, her daily routine, made up of various underpaid jobs (repairing linens, adjusting umbrellas, hanging sheets), useful to scrape together some money that is never enough. The whole day, she continues to get slaps from all sides. Because Delia isn’t only poor, she is also a woman.

This Film is rated as PG15:

Parental guidance is required for those who are below 15 years of age. Age restrictions will be verified at entry.

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